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 Build a Strong and Fit Body with This Ayurvedic Remedy. Just as obesity and increased weight are a problem, in the same way, many men faceless weight. Due to being thin, they become his cause and everyone laughs at him. Apart from that, they are also called malnutrition patients. ( How to gain weight and muscle mass ) Due to the thinness, any kind of clothes do not judge on the body, take food but do not feel on the body. Men work all day, they do not get time to eat on time, take care of the body, in such a person can become a victim of physical, mental and any disease. As you know, due to which reasons, thinness prevails. : - Stay hungry Don't sleep well To get drunk mental stress Don't eat properly ' Flu or viral fever Excessive exercise or exercising When men have to face all these problems, then when they do not get the time and do not think much, they start using chemical medicine, to get rid of it quickly, ( Weight gain medicine for male ) but there is no benefit